We are not just products of our environment ,nor mere victims of our circumstances. We are the designers of our environment and our circumstances are the building blocks that we will use to create a world we want. This book is a creative manifesto for all of us who are tired of complaining and want to be pro-active in making the world we want to live in. As we navigate the 21st century towards an uncertain future, the onus is on us to be creators of a better world and not just spectators in the game of life. This captivating treatise is asking us to back our power by taking responsibility for the corner of the world in which we each find ourselves.
We are World Creators
This book is a creative manifesto for all of us who are tired of complaining and want to be pro-active in making the world we want to live in.
Additional information
Publisher | K.R Molema Resources (Pty) Ltd |
Publication date | February 9, 2022 |
Language | English |
ISBN | 978-0-620-91557-1 |
eISBN | 978-0-620-87462-5 |
Pages | 138 |
Format | Epub (Epub Reader Required), Printed |
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