Proverbs of Kagisho Molema Part 1


  1. Do not neglect temporal matters for spiritual matters. Do not reject spiritual matters for temporal matters.

  2. Do not neglect the body for the mind. Do not reject the mind for the body. 

  3. Do not neglect homemaking for a career. Do not reject a career for homemaking.

  4. Do not become a hero for the people but not a hero to your own children.

  5. Do not wish to gain the respect and honour of people, earn your own respect.

  6. Do not sacrifice thinking big for paying attention to detail and do not dismiss paying attention to detail for thinking big.

  7. The big acts are important, so are the small acts.

  8. Do not underestimate your own impact in the world, do not overestimate your importance in the world.

  9. Do not lose your curiosity for focus, do not lose your focus for curiosity.

  10. The student is the expert, and the expert is the student.

  11. Not too smart, too wise, too good looking, too serious, too pious. All things done in absence of moderation are an addiction.

  12. Exercise makes the mind strong, and reading makes the body intelligent.

  13. The jumping jack is a criminally underrated exercise.

  14. Freedom is the ability to do your work without fetters.

  15. Play is just as important as work. 

  16. It takes a lifetime to be well-read.

  1. Don’t talk about them, make them talk about you.

  2. Your real life begins the day you learn the power of being indifferent.

  3. Love makes 24 hours a perfect day.

  4. Of all the things you could lose, do not lose faith. 

  5. Prepare tomorrow’s outfit tonight. 

  6. Out of pen and journals come empires.

  7. You don’t win until you see it.

  8. To begin poorly is better than to never start.

  9. You cannot edit something that is not written.

  10. Prepare for winding roads.

  11. I have never been on a straight road to somewhere. 

  12. They are funny people, they would rather jump off a bridge with a rope tied to their feet than learn how to love.

  13. Children, keep in the middle of the road.

  14. The man in the arena becomes a student of war.

  15. A badly conceived plan is better than no plan at all.

  16. Dabble in absurdities to cut through the noise.

  1. Travellers are encyclopedias of experience.

  2. Going in the wrong direction is better than standing still.  

  3. “What are people going to say?” is the quickest way to squander your life.

  4. Eat little at the royal buffet of talking, for too much of it makes people sick. 

  5. Traps are used to catch lions and people are caught by their own lies.

  6. You return to yourself when you dance like no one is watching.

  7. Do not like anything too much.

  8. Any food tastes like a 5 star meal after fasting.

  9. Do not spoil your taste buds with excessively rich tastes.

  10. There are no new possibilities in doing what has always been done.

  11. Good oral hygiene depends on how many teeth you want to keep as you grow older.

  12. Nothing beats cultivated simplicity. 

  13. There is nothing in it for those who never try.

  14. There is always a reward for those who try even when they fail. 

  15. Love increases a person’s risk appetite.

  16. A dream never dies, it lives on in your descendants.

  17. It is a not dream until it is considered unrealistic.

  18. It costs nothing to dream so go all out.

  19. It is a disservice to the world if you don’t write down your own proverbs for future generations. 

  20. Never turn a feeling into a mood.

  21. Don’t reveal everything at once, leave room for imagination.

  22. Prayer coupled with bold action is always a winning pair. 

  23. Don’t devote too much time to reflection, don’t allow all your time to be taken up by action. 

  24. Say no to too much meat, say no to too many vegetables.

  25. Hold softly to what you know and play slightly in the unknown.

  26. Everywhere you go, there you are.

  27. Too many good things often come from being at the right place at the right time.

  28. To say sorry is the closest thing a human can be to an angel. 

  29. To do what everyone is doing will get you what everyone has.

  30. Always call people by their right titles and show respect for their office in life.

  31. Wear your clothes, don’t let them wear you.

  32. Own your things don’t let them own you.

  33. There is absolutely no reason to eat at a funeral.

  34. If you look someone in the eye long enough, their pupils begin to look like the ocean.

  35. Being on time is cool and being early is elegantly fashionable.

  36. Don’t judge yourself too early. 

  37. Have the barracuda mindset, be willing to suck.

  38. There is no love in the camera.

  39. Take what you get today, tomorrow is always a good day to try again.

  40. If you increase the pace of your walk, you will see the world from a different angle.

  41. If you don’t believe, they also won’t believe who you say you are.  

  42. To master a skill will earn you coins but to know how to tell a story will win you a place among kings.

  43. Bad manners are an attribute of the bottom of the barrel. 

  44. Being honest depends on how well you want to sleep at night.

  45. You can’t solve a problem with the same mindset that created it.

  46. Nothing is new under the sun, but we haven’t seen your take on it. 

  47. Enemies will elevate you higher than your friends. 

  48. Losers bring losses and winners bring wins.  

  49. Don’t delegate your judgement and taste to other people, no matter how highly placed they are in life.

  50. Always leave the party at the right time.

  51. Be both modern and traditional. 

  52. The good old days are nothing compared to the great today.

  53. Life responds to effort. 

  54. A hero is anyone who is trying.  

  55. Bringing old habits into your life, is the same as an adult who wets their bed.

  56. They hate it today and love it tomorrow, how can the customer always be right?

  57. Look at both the positives and negatives, it is only fair.

  58. Don’t create heroes, don’t think too highly of people.

  59. How others feel about you matters less than how you feel about yourself.


Stay on the path of righteousness and be triumphant always.


I love you all.


Let me know in the comment section which proverb spoke to you the most. Bye!

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